Saturday, September 29, 2007

Vanessa's birthday party

The very sweet parents of Vanessa brought a huge cake, goodies bags and drinks to school so tha Vanessa could celebrate her birthday with the class. The children were awed by the size of the cake. They had fun and they sang her a birthday song. Thank you Vanessa and family for making the children's recess so much fun. Happy birthday once again, Vanessa!

Learning Math the fun way!

Learning Math using real chips, cookies, candies and food. Class 2G learned to add, subtract and group.

International Friendship Day

Some children from the class participated in the fashion parade segment for the celebration of International Friendship Day.

Termly project-Design your own water bottle

The children worked in their groups and came up with their ideal water bottle designs. They went around the school and did a survey based on people's choice of colours and design. They then drew out their design and compiled them into a group file. They fabricated their final design using recycled materials.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Reader's Theatre

The children were organised in groups and each group were given different scripts of fairy tales. The children worked in their groups, allocated their individual roles, practised the scripts and presented their Reader's Theatre to the class in STAGE Room 3. The children will briefed on what to look out for during their presentation. Example, posture, to remain 'in character' at all times during presentation, maintain eye contact with audience, etc.

What is Reader's Theatre?
Like storytelling, reader's theater can create images by suggestion that could never be realistically portrayed on stage. Reader’s Theater involves children in oral reading through reading parts in scripts. Unlike traditional theatre, the emphasis is mainly on oral expression of the part. Reader’s Theater is "theatre of the imagination". It involves children in understanding their world, creating their own scripts, reading aloud, performing with a purpose, and bringing enjoyment to both themselves and their audiences.

the exciting world of Adjectives!!


There are so many more. Can you name more? =)

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


The children learned about Antonyms in the last term, graduating from their list of idioms in their wordbank books. Worksheets were given out to them and most of them are able to list antonyms with ease and confidence. Just a recap here, antonyms are words with opposite meanings. The words, 'happy' and 'sad' are antonyms.

Here are some example practices:

1. I felt rich because I got 20 dollars
for my birthday!

A. wealthy

B. happy

C. poor

2. Debbie wiggled because the chair
was too hard.

A. soft

B. uncomfortable

C. solid